What Are You Doing This Summer? | EPCWO Mission Trips
EPC World Outreach is hosting three mission trips this summer for EPC members that want to learn how to love their Muslim neighbors and be the fragrance of Jesus. Our hope is that these experiences will equip participants to imitate thoughtful outreach among neighbors within their own contexts and cities for the sake of God’s glory and His Kingdom.
These two mission trips are unique opportunities for students to learn more about Muslims and how to interact in a way that loves our neighbors and honors our Savior. Learn more on our website.
SMJ Hamtramck
Dates: July 13-18, 2020
Cost: $475/person
Church Registration Fee: $250*
Lodging: Wayne State University
SMJ Sacramento
Dates: July 20-25, 2020
Cost: $350/person
Church Registration Fee: $250*
Lodging: Fremont Presbyterian Church
Hear from students at last year’s Summer Mission Jam, as they reflect on the trip and how it impacted their thinking. Please note: for the safety and security of our global partners, please do not share this video on social media. Email us for the password.
Dates: July 5-10, 2020
Cost: $330/person
Church Registration Fee: $250*
Lodging: Host Families of Covenant EPC in San Diego

Check our website for more information: SMJ 2020 | Experience WO 2020.
If you know of anyone that might be interested in attending Summer Mission Jam, we invite you to pass it along and share on social media!
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