EPC World Outreach Newsletter

World Outreach Annual Report | The Reach August 2022

Dear friends, Catching divine glimpses into the work God is doing in and through EPC World Outreach has been an incredible privilege. A significant focus this year since stepping into my role has been the development of the new World Outreach master plan and mission...

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An Agent of Unity | the Reach April 2022

Dear friends, I am thrilled to announce that after meeting with the World Outreach Committee and the National Leadership Team last week, both have officially recommended that the newest version of the World Outreach Master Plan be brought to the 2022 General Assembly...

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Divine Opportunity | the Reach March 2022

Over four million Ukrainian refugees have fled their country in the last four weeks. World Outreach has been working with ministry partners on the ground in the surrounding countries to care for those who are impacted and displaced by the events of the last month....

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A Friend to the Stranger | the Reach December 2021

Dear friends, I had just shifted into high gear, speed-walking pace coming off my plane a couple of months ago in the Indianapolis Airport. I visualized the familiar path to baggage claim, my rental car and the drive across town. Suddenly that mental imaging was...

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Courage in Christ | the Reach November 2021

Dear friends, “Now that I know God, He makes me feel brave enough to share the gospel with my Muslim family members. I know now that I don’t have to worry about what other people think of me because I only care what God thinks of me.”– Saimeera* I first met Saimeera...

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Prayers of the Saints | the Reach October 2021

“And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song saying, “Worthy are you to take the...

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