Fund ID: 306

Thank you for prayerfully considering giving a special offering towards our “handful of rice” project. These small gifts will be used to benefit our EPC World Outreach missionaries serving on the field through a cooperative (Co-op) agreement with another mission agency. We desire to come behind them with more of the resources currently provided for our Engage 2025 workers. This funding will enable us to:

  • Improve connections of EPC co-op workers with their local churches and Presbyteries. Our desire is to help them, and their mission endeavors be known; keeping them covered in prayer and encouragement in proactive ways.
  • Resource them with mobilization opportunities. This could be for helping find new team personnel, helping them plan a strategic short-term mission trip, or bring in a trainer and resources to help their church planting efforts among the people group they are reaching for Christ.
  • Visit them on the field. To travel over to see them as covenant family to them. To arrive with encouragement for them as they live under difficult situations.

Also with this funding, we will be able to:

  • Help plan regional gathering every 18 months where they can share best-practices that lead to increasing the movement of God among their people groups.
  • Have quality time for prayer, worship, and personal renewal with those in nearby towns and countries.

You can support WO Co-op Support and Field Development using the donation form below, or you can utilize text-to-give on your smart device by texting “coopsupport” to 386-845-3121.


We recently upgraded our online giving system. If this is your first donation on our new system, you will need to enter your financial information. This is necessary because the EPC does not hold any of your credit card or bank numbers. Your data is encrypted and secure, and EPC World Outreach will not have access to any of your financial information—only the amount of your donation and the fund to which you are giving.

World Outreach is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your support contributions are tax-deductible. We retain full control over the administration of donated funds and make every attempt to honor giving preferences. In rare cases when that’s not possible, gifts are used for a purpose that reflects donor intent as closely as possible.

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